Establishment of Mother of the generation
Ethiopian-Norwegian mother, Sewasew Sileshe Johannessen, is the visionary and the founder of “Mother of the generation, for peace and reconciliation” which was established and officially registered in Norway in August 2020.
Mother of the generation continues the work of the previous organization, The Ark of the New Covenant Healing ministry, which was founded and established in Norway in February 2012, by Sewasew Sileshe Johannessen.
“As a mother and as an individual person, I have a burning desire to see the wellbeing and safety of the coming generation, because I believe they deserve to live in a peaceful and just world”
On the other side, the previous generations have, for better or for worse, contributed all they can to raise the generation after them and to build the country they live in with the knowledge and understanding of their time. Therefore, they also deserve respect for what they have contributed in a positive way.
While that respect should always be remembered, the previous generation complains about every unfortunate situation they see in our time by placing the responsibility on the younger generation. This is completely wrong and we need better understanding from both sides.
“I think the gap between the generations needs adjustment, understanding and rebuilding of what has been destroyed.”
Complaining about what is wrong cannot help to restore what has been destroyed. Therefore I decided not to be one of the complainers, rather I want to be a contributor to the solution in the restoration process of the nations and the generations.
Since I was born in Africa and have since spent half of my life in Europe, as an immigrant woman and as a mother, I have personally experienced conflict, war, prison, torture, violence and many cultural, social, material, and spiritual blessings from these two continents, through my family life and my social community attachments.
I have also had a chance to see and hear other stories through media and through the challenges and pain of immigrants. What they have been through in their processes of fleeing from their homeland to go to the “Unknown world”, through deserts, oceans, in which many of them lost their lives in the Mediterranean or in the Libyan or Sudanese deserts, while they were trying to cross to Europa from Africa.
Many young generations who suffer from loneliness have unfortunately been pushed in the wrong direction and have been recruited by fanatic groups and terrorists, all while they were searching for a place to belong.
Even if I share their pain, I know that I can’t solve it alone with my limited capacity. But as a mother I don’t want to quit either and see all those injustices and pains of the generation. Rather I decided to contribute to a safe world for the generation through peace and reconciliation work.
On the other side I have seen, understand and share the frustrations of people in the western world, and the challenges of those countries who take in immigrants, which can create misunderstandings and conflicts. These issues must be solved at an early stage by building bridges instead of building walls.
After I saw those walls, in 2012, I decided to work to be one of those who can build bridges between nations and the generations through peace and reconciliation work through my previous organization, “The Ark of the New Covenant healing Minstry».
Since then I was working on peace and reconciliation work by being a peace activist, by writing articles, interviews and speeches through main medias, social media and preparing and participating in conferences and seminars which were held in Europe, USA and Africa.
In February 2019, I got in an accident that resulted in injury, both physical and psychological, while I was working at my part time workplace and was completely broken-down and was on long term sick leave for treatment for almost three years. My previous organizations voluntary work on peace and reconciliation was put aside and was busy only on my own health situation.
Although the injury is getting better, and even though my working capacity is still reduced, I still have an inner voice that tells me to continue to work with what I am passionate about.
During my rehabilitation process I noticed that there is a great need for and lack of the type of help that is suitable for people that are in the same situation as I was in.
Even if my capacity is reduced, instead of feeling like a victim and being bitter over what happened to my life, I decided to rise again and to continue my previous vision with my limited capacity.
And beside that when I saw necessity of preventing violence and reducing conflicts at work places I decide also to contribute to “peace and reconciliation work” at workplaces and to contribute to the society with what I can, and whom I am.
My over 40 years’ work experience, my formal and informal skills, my life experiences, my voluntary work experiences in different places, especially my past seven years experiences with peace and reconciliation work, was the reason to start my new organization “Mother of the generation for peace and reconciliation”.
Since Inspiring and motivating people has always been something I am interested in, as a mother, I decided to inspire other people, who have been through different challenges in life, who have lost the capacity to see their potential, to inspire the coming generation to build their future and to take care of the previous generation and building a bridge between nations and the generation, by cooperating with other organizations and professionals and to contribute to peace and reconciliation for a better world.
The aim/goal is to
– To preventive and to reduce conflicts at workplaces.
– To contribute to the recovery process after conflicts
– To contribute to the healing process of nations and the generation and healing the shattered & broken hearts of individuals.
Our contribution will be done through individual coaching, group coaching, seminars, conferences, or workshops in cooperation with other professionals, private persons or organizations to contribute to the better world
Through my previous work in the Ark of the New Covenant, and during my rehabilitation process after my work injury, I have gained experience and built a network of people, businesses, and organizations which I can use to get professional partners.
If you are interested to work on this area and be partner, please don’t hesitate to contact us with our contact forms.